Why You Should Get Lost While Traveling

Most people don’t like to be lost.
They don’t like feeling out of the loop, or like they’ve missed something. Most of all, they don’t like feeling vulnerable in a strange place.
I understand this — I’m the same way. If I’m driving a car and lose my way, I get frustrated. I snap at my passengers, get nervous, and often say a lot of bad words. I don’t like being lost.
But, the more I’ve traveled, the more I’ve come to realize that, sometimes, getting lost is okay. In fact, getting lost can often be better than finding your way on the first try.
Yes, I’m here to argue that getting lost can actually enhance your travels.
And here’s why.
Why You Should Get Lost While Traveling
Hone your problem-solving skills
Finding yourself lost in a foreign country or strange city can be scary at first. But, instead of looking at it as a potentially devastating situation, try looking at it as an opportunity to hone skills that are important to every traveler.
Get out a map, and learn how to read it. Get over your pig-headedness and ask someone for directions. Look at being lost as an opportunity to test your problem-solving skills. You’ll not only figure out how to get back on the right track, but doing so on your own will leave you feeling like you accomplished something.
Going through this a few times will leave you more prepared in the future.
Learn about flaws – of you and your travel partner(s)
You might be wondering, “How will having me scream at my travel buddies be a positive thing?”
Well, it might not be totally positive, but at least you’ll learn how you and those you’re traveling with handle stressful situations. Getting loss stresses most people out, and everyone reacts just a little bit differently. While fighting about that wrong turn you took or those bad directions you followed certainly isn’t immediately helpful in getting yourself out of the situation, looking back on the reactions later could be.
Maybe you’ll be able to see that you overreacted because it really wasn’t that bad. Maybe you’ll figure out who in your group is the best at diffusing tension. And maybe you’ll pinpoint those in your group that you wouldn’t want to travel with again…
Many people say you should live with a significant other before you marry them. I say you should travel with them.
Tough travel situations usually bring out the “true colors” in everyone.
Have unexpected adventures
Being lost doesn’t automatically mean things must come to a halt. If you’re on foot and find yourself lost, take a stroll around the nearby area and see what you might find. If you’re lost in a car, perhaps just follow the road and see where it takes you.
As long as you’re not on a strict schedule, getting lost can often lead to discovering places or things that you might have totally missed otherwise. After all, they can’t put EVERYTHING in the guide book. View being lost as an opportunity, and not as a setback.
Maybe that wrong turn will lead you on an unexpected adventure. It never hurts to explore.
You'll have the best memories and stories
I don’t know about you, but when I return from traveling, it’s often the stories of mishap and chance that I find myself retelling the most. Sure, people will listen to me talk about my day at the beach. But the day that I got separated from a tour group and climbed to the top of St. Peter’s on accident? Or that time I mistakenly ended up in a weird techno dance club in Beijing? Yeah, those stories do much better.
While being lost may not seem very entertaining at the time, generally these situations make for much richer, more interesting stories in the future.
Plus, people like it when you can laugh at your own blunders.
Learn how to relax and go with the travel flow
Many people approach travel with the assumption that everything will go according to plan — that schedules will be adhered to and timeframes will be met. If you’re one of these people, you are kidding yourself.
Travel is unpredictable. Places and people are constantly changing. And, when you’re traveling, chances are that things WILL go wrong. Travel plans — like rules — were made to be broken.
Accepting that you may get lost along the way will help you to accept that travel isn’t always perfect, and doesn’t always go the way you want it to, or the way you expected it to.
Embracing the benefits of getting lost can help you learn to relax, go with the flow, and enjoy the experience.
So, next time you find yourself lost, don’t curse your luck or lash out at those you’re traveling with. Instead, take advantage of the situation and your blissful ignorance when it comes to your map coordinates.
Enjoy the freedom.
My caveat: Of course, some situations aren't conducive to getting lost. I definitely wouldn't suggest getting lost on purpose if it's going to put you in danger. And I certainly don't want to make light of truly scary situations in which you might find yourself lost and alone. Get lost. But be safe.
What do you think? Can getting lost actually enhance the travel experience? Do you have any great “lost” stories?
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Amanda Williams is the award-winning blogger behind A Dangerous Business Travel Blog. She has traveled to more than 60 countries on 6 continents from her home base in Ohio, specializing in experiential and thoughtful travel through the US, Europe, and rest of the world. Amanda only shares tips based on her personal experiences and places she's actually traveled!
About getting lost – I remember the very first time I went to the US – is was a Sunday, in Chicago, missed the bus and train to Wisconsin, no place to stay for the night. There was no one on the streets, so I grabbed the backpack and walked in a general direction, without an idea what to do. This way I spent 4 glorious hours roaming the streets of the Windy City and even found a hostel to stay in. The trick is to see everything as an adventure, and calm the panic. People told me I was lucky I spoke the language – yes, it’s true, but this whole business made one heck of a story when I came back home 😉
And Italy is a great place to get lost it. I was in Termoli for a summer university, and one night I got lost from my group…while they were heading to a pub, I walked the streets of the Old Town then returned to the hostel and got a good night’s sleep. Great adventure again! 🙂
It’s great you were able to stay calm while lost in Chicago! Not everyone would be able to consider it an adventure at the time. But at least you had an awesome “first day in the US” story to tell!
I don’t like to legitimately be lost, but I do like to wander around without maps or directions.
Great point about traveling with someone before you marry them!
Being free of maps and any real plans is exciting!
And, after watching many, many seasons of “The Amazing Race” where couples completely fall apart arguing with each other, I’ve decided I won’t marry anyone until we’ve done some serious traveling together!
I’ll add another vote to being lost in Venice. There are all kinds of nooks and crannies. I was there in the middle of Carnevale and still found some great little side places with noone around. It was neat. And with the water everywhere the sounds of the waves echo in cool (and spooky) ways around the alleys and through the fog.
Wandering is my absolute favor part of travel. Give me a place to explore and wander and I am happy. I think that is why I like bigger cities better than small towns. More room to roam.
You are all making me long to go to Venice and just get lost!
I really enjoy wandering, too. It’s not always an option if you’re short on time, but I love just hitting city streets on foot to see where I end up. I don’t do it nearly enough!
Some of my best experiences have happened when my hubby and I got lost. Among many others, we through out all our plans in Venice and got lost every single day – I am sure it was a much better trip than if we had stuck to our itinerary!
Based on all the comments on this post, it seems like Venice is the ideal place to get lost in order to really discover the city! I wonder if all the Venice guidebook writers are aware that their information is pretty much unnecessary? Haha.
It’s strange, but the more unpleasant an experience is at the time, the better it becomes as a memory. All my best travel tales are of experiences that were ghastly at the time. Times when I was scared, lost, lost my money (and passport) or injured. But those are the stories that you will later dine out on.
Here’s to getting lost!
Funny how it happens that way, isn’t it? Some of my most embarrassing travel moments have now turned into some of my best stories!
Sounds like a lot of fun, but I definitely don’t want to get lost at night on some place I’m not familiar with 🙂 On the flipside, I want to be lost in Spain – awesome place!
Thanks for the advice, very useful!
I definitely don’t want to encourage anyone to intentionally get lost in a place that would make them scared! That’s never fun. Be safe!
But I’m glad you liked the post and found it useful. Thanks for reading!
I too am a big advocate of getting lost when travelling. You find all sorts of hidden gems, and you have no idea what you are going to come across, so it all feels new and exciting. Another nod for this being the best way to get around Venice – the main streets are so clogged that getting lost is the best way to see the place!
Sounds like I need to go get lost in Venice! But, in all seriousness, I think getting lost in big, old cities is a great idea. There’s so much to see, that you’d completely miss a lot of the good parts if you actually knew where you were going.
I love the feeling of walking around a corner, not knowing what I’m going to find!
I’m usually good with getting lost unless it’s pouring rain or I don’t feel safe. Love how you’ve broken out the reasons WHY it’s fun to get lost here. Always the best way to get a feel for a city for me.
Thanks, Andrea! I know getting lost isn’t ALWAYS a positive experience. But I decided to try and highlight the good things anyway, because, like you said, it’s often the best way to get a feel for a new city! And I think you can learn a lot from being lost, and then getting yourself un-lost.
I love getting lost while traveling–although I prefer to call it “wandering”! I loved wandering through the streets of Budapest and Prague, never quite sure where I’d end up. And I refuse to use a map in Paris-I just wander through the streets and orient myself with metro stops! Have stumbled across the best courtyards and cafes that way! Fun post 🙂
I like calling it “wandering.” Makes it sound so much more romantic – and less scary – that way. And I’m glad I’m not the only one who sometimes enjoys doing this! I’ve never been to any of the cities you mentioned, but I imagine they’d all be great for just getting lost in.
Amanda, check out my most recent post. Look at #1 – I think you will like it! That sums up my answer to this post better than any comment I can leave here! 🙂
Awesome post, Jeremy! I really couldn’t have said it better myself.
Thanks for reading!
While I am pretty excellent at reading a map and asking for directions if needed (I am woman!!) two places I loved getting lost in are Venice, Italy (a must do in getting lost!) and anywhere in New Zealand. In both those places, everything always works out:-).
Third person to suggest getting lost in Venice! Awesome.
And I agree about New Zealand – I would actually encourage getting lost ANYWHERE in that country! There’s so much to see.
I only think I’m lost if I I can’t find a place I need to get to, and I have to be there by a certain time. Other than than I’m not lost, I’m just exploring. I actually love getting lost. I used to ride my bike as a kid and get lost in town. Later when I could drive I’d go to the next town or into the city and get lost. I was told before going to Venice the best thing to do is to get lost, just wander around and see where you get to. It was good advice.
I only get upset about being lost if I’m under time constraints, too. Then, it’s very frustrating. But in other instances, I try to enjoy it.
I love the idea of getting lost in your hometown, or a nearby city! And you’re now the second one in favor of getting lost in Venice. There must be something to that advice!
When I was traveling in Venice, I totally agree with you about ‘getting lost’. It was one of the most exciting way to explore Venice, Italy. It was like a maze, but I totally love it! 🙂
Zannnie and Zsolt
I was the same way when I moved to Wellington! Within the first week, a friend and I decided to just start walking and see where we ended up. It was a fantastic way to get to know the city a bit better.
I got lost in so many places…. in some, it wasn’t particularly “fun”, but rather scary. In other, I had a great time! It’s the way I find off the beaten track streets and hidden boutiques or chesse shops (just an example). Even in Buenos Aires, where I got lost in La Boca (went out of the safe touristic area)… at first it was scary to see a live gang fight with glass bottles and stones, but hey – it’s now one of the best stories I have from the city 😉
While I certainly wouldn’t encourage people to seek out live gang fights in BA, I can definitely imagine it being a story you vividly remember and share often!
I’m glad you’ve had some good “lost” experiences, too. Getting lost is a great way to discover those off-the-beaten-path locations that you otherwise would probably totally miss.
I was on the Bolaven Plateau in rural southern Laos, on a motorbike, the only foreigner on the road, and I lost my map. Still have no idea how it happened.
For a few hours, I was terrified out of my mind.
Then I told myself, “There are all these signs for Salaven. Salaven has to be a decent-sized town — I’ll stay there overnight.”
Well, it turns out I was heading in the right direction all along and I made it to Tat Lo. Really scary, though. Getting lost is a LOT of fun — but there are better places to do it than alone on an oft-malfunctioning motorbike in the middle of southern Laos!
Yikes, that would be scary! I’m glad you weren’t actually lost!
I realize there are plenty of situations where getting lost actually ISN’T a good thing – like when it could potentially put you in danger. But, even then, it’s certainly an adventure.