Why I’m Not Afraid to Travel Alone

In the past couple of weeks, I've received a handful of emails from women asking me all sorts of questions about traveling solo. I've also been interviewed for a couple articles about the “dangers” of traveling alone as a woman. I'm not sure why there's a sudden uptick in interest (or fear) surrounding solo female travel, but I figured that now would be as good a time as any to address the topic again on my blog. (Plus, International Women's Day is coming up on March 8!)
I've already written about the realities of solo female travel, and have made suggestions for places to go on your first solo trip.
But, when “danger” is involved, I realize some people want even more reassurance.
I've been traveling solo for a few years now — not because I dislike people or anything like that, but usually because I don't want to wait around for someone to travel with me and because I kind of LIKE to be on my own and have the freedom to do what I want when I want.
It's a common misconception — latched onto by the media — that it's inherently dangerous to travel solo if you are a woman.
Traveling solo as a woman IS a different experience than traveling solo as a man — I won't deny that fact. As a woman, you DO have to be more careful and more vigilant in some cases. You have to be more aware of how you're dressed, who you trust, and how decisions you make could affect your safety.
However, this doesn't just apply to traveling. In a world where violence against women is a growing problem, being careful and vigilant is something women just DO. It's certainly not confined to traveling.
Which brings me to my point: Traveling solo as a woman is not automatically dangerous. It's no more or less dangerous than doing things alone as a woman in your home country or town.
People ask me (quite frequently these days) if I'm ever afraid to travel solo. And my answer is always no.
And here's why:
5 reasons why I'm not afraid to travel alone
1. The world is not as dangerous as the media makes it seem
One of the articles I was quoted in recently was a post about the “most dangerous” places for women to travel. But the article quoted crime/violence statistics for countries like India, Turkey, South Africa, and Mexico, and then tried to suggest that these same DOMESTIC violence numbers automatically made those destinations dangerous for women to travel to.
Which is just silly.
The United States has some of the highest violence rates in the world, and yet I wouldn't consider it a dangerous place in which to be a tourist.
We see so many movies and read so many sensationalized headlines that we've become conditioned to assume that the world “out there” is a scary, dangerous place. But guess what? It's really not.
2. I trust my instincts
As I mentioned earlier, you DO have to travel differently when you're a woman. But my rule of thumb is this: don't do anything abroad that you wouldn't do at home. Simple.
This means that I'm not going to go wandering in an unfamiliar place on my own at night, or take rides with complete strangers, or go off without telling someone where I went, or get drunk or do drugs or do anything else that would put me in danger no matter where I am.
I also have learned to be aware of my surroundings and to trust my gut. If I find myself in a situation where I feel uncomfortable, I do what I can to remove myself from it. When you travel solo, you are your own best defense.
3. I do my homework
You should do this no matter how you're traveling, but doing your homework about a new destination is especially useful when you're traveling solo. Before every trip, I do a little Googling and read up on things like cultural norms, common scams, and how I should dress as a tourist.
When traveling to more conservative countries, I make sure to pack more modest clothing. Not only does this make me feel more comfortable since I know I won't be offending anyone with what I'm wearing, but it also tends to cut down on the catcalls and other unwanted attention.
Reading up on common scams is also a must for me — it helps me pinpoint potential scammers before they have a chance to fool me, and it also makes me more confident when going somewhere new. For example, I read about the “bracelet scammers” that hang out near Sacre Coeur in Paris, and therefore knew to keep my wrists and arms out of reach whenever I walked by them.
Doing my homework helps me fit in to new cultures better, and also makes it easier to be vigilant without being paranoid.
RELATED: 11 Tips to Help Make Your First Solo Trip Great
4. Strangers are more likely to be helpful than threatening
Even though I wouldn't advise you to wander off alone with a complete stranger, people you meet on your travels ARE, for the most part, going to be helpful rather than threatening. As a solo female traveler, I've had countless experiences where I've actually had complete strangers looking out for me on trains and subways, helping me stow my bag or making sure I knew which stop I needed to get off at.
Just as the world isn't an inherently dangerous place, people are not inherently evil. I spent a lot of time being very suspicious of anyone who would strike up a conversation with me for about the first year I was traveling alone. Until I realized that those people were just trying to be friendly.
Yes, it's important to be careful and to always trust your gut. But there's no need to immediately look at every unknown face as a threat. Your travels will be enriched when you open yourself up to new conversations and meeting new people.
And, when you do, you'll learn that, at the end of the day, people are more similar than different, no matter where they live, what they look like, or what they believe in.
5. I know I can surround myself with people
Lastly, if I ever DO find myself in a destination where I don't feel completely comfortable on my own, I know that there are always ways to ensure that I'm NOT alone.
I often book small group tours in places that I don't feel confident about visiting solo. I go on day trips with other tourists. I stay in hostels or guest houses where it's easy to meet other travelers and join in on group activities.
There's no need for me to be afraid, because I've learned that traveling solo doesn't necessarily have to mean being alone all the time.
I realize that solo travel will always be one of those things with a mysterious, often-misrepresented air about it. But hopefully this has helped reassure you at least a little bit!
READ NEXT: Top 9 Questions About Solo Travel Answered
What's your take on solo female travel? What steps do you take to make yourself feel safe?
Amanda Williams is the award-winning blogger behind A Dangerous Business Travel Blog. She has traveled to more than 60 countries on 6 continents from her home base in Ohio, specializing in experiential and thoughtful travel through the US, Europe, and rest of the world. Amanda only shares tips based on her personal experiences and places she's actually traveled!
I’m lucky that my parents have been supportive of my solo travel aspirations, but some people are constantly amazed and think I’m “reckless.” Funny how ingrained the media’s fear – mongering has become. I’ve heard from multiple solo female travelers that the most pleasant, safest, & welcome they’ve felt was in countries that are made out to be death traps. Wander on, love! Thanks for the inspiration 🙂
My parents have been really supportive for the most part, too. Though there are definitely places that they probably wouldn’t want me to travel to. Friends though? I had friends in grad school told me I was going to die traveling alone – and they were only half joking. :/
What a horrible thing to say to you! My parents’ friends often mention things about my solo travel. But my parents are also supportive, which makes this obsession much easier to do :).
I always manage to forget when I’m traveling solo (except for those moments when it’s oh-so challenging and I’m reminded that yes – I am here alone). I think that now with technology connecting people around the world, the second I say I’m going somewhere, someone knows someone who lives there.
Thanks for the article. I love bloggers and posts that promote solo female travel. My travels have inspired me to join a company that makes it more comfortable for women to travel solo. Keep it up!
I totally agree that technology makes travel of any sort a lot easier (and less scary) these days!
I totally agree! Though I have not taken longer solo trips (so far), I believe that it´s not as dangerous as many people think…as long as you use your common sense, of course 🙂
Yup. It’s really no different than doing anything else on your own so long as you keep your head and don’t put yourself in dangerous positions on purpose. Too bad most people can’t see it that way!
Saying it is just as safe as the US is not true. Maybe in terms of physical violence but there are many scams in Europe that are directed at tourists, so your property is not “safe”. There are things you can do to stop these but the pickpockets etc are very good at what you do so you have to be on your guard.
The problem is that you identify yourself as a tourist with your backpack, the way you dress, that you speak English and especially if you are carrying a DSLR everywhere. I have actually never been robbed and have been to Europe at least 50 times but there are stories everywhere. Naples and Budapest I was warned so often about people stealing cameras and handbags.
I have been scammed by taxi drivers but I wouldn’t put that in the unsafe category.
This post is specifically about solo travel and how safe/not safe I feel traveling alone. Petty crime like pickpocketing and theft can happen no matter where or how you’re traveling, and traveling solo doesn’t really have any bearing on whether you’re at risk for that sort of crime. That’s not really what I’m talking about in this post. (But yes, of course there are ways to be smart and protect yourself from that sort of crime, too!)
Amanda, you rock! I too am a female traveling alone and from the Buckeye state. I have been traveling for 10 months and have not had any real problems. Personally, I think the USA is much more dangerous than other places and I am not afraid to live there. While traveling with a vagina (love that phrase you used), I take the same precautions as I do at home- being aware, not doing drugs, limited alcohol intake etc. The only extra thing I do is plan to find my hostel / hotel during daylight when possible- not so much because of safety, but because it is less stressful for me to find it. Keep up the great writing, you are an inspiration.
Solo female travelers from Ohio, UNITE! 🙂
I agree that I think the US is probably more dangerous than most places I’ve traveling to – and yet I’m not afraid to live there. So why would I be afraid to travel anywhere else??
And yes, finding accommodation in the daylight is something I try to do, too! Like you said, it’s both safer AND less stressful. (And I’m all about less stress when I travel.)
The world is definitely not as scary as people think. Four months alone is South East Asia and most of the time I actually felt safer than I do at home is Australia. I recommended Koh Tao to a couple I met in Chiang Mai. They said they didn’t want to go there after the murder that happened last year. The kicker? They were from New York…
I’m off to India next. My mum keeps telling me horror stories. I’m just like “Thanks Mum.”
It’s funny, isn’t it, how ONE bad thing happening in a destination abroad makes it dangerous. But people getting murdered every day at home? No big deal.
I hope India treats you well!
Excellent tips Amanda. Kudos to you not to worry so much about what the media says…happy travels!
Thanks, Corinne! As someone who’s worked in the newspaper world before, I definitely know how skewed the media can be. And when you add in so many publications and news networks that just like to scare people… it’s very easy to get caught up in it! I do my best not to, though.
I couldn’t agree more with you, Amanda! All your points absolutely bang on. I feel the same about traveling alone that most people are helpful, and trusting one’s instincts go a long way in keeping the dangers away.
Just being smart and trusting your gut really can keep you safe in most any situation!
Hey Amanda, Thanks for a great post. I especially like your tip about strangers more likely being helpful than not. It’s a great reminder that the world is filled with more helpful and friendly people than people who are out to get us.
I’m glad you agree! That’s not to say that you shouldn’t carry a *little* bit of suspicion with you – but people are much less “out to get you” that a lot of people think!
Hey Amanda, great article 😀 As a solo female traveler, I think your tips are great! I have not had any real problems traveling to over 30 different countries solo (other than sometimes getting lost). As long as people are aware of their surroundings and take general precautionary measures, they’ll be fine!
That’s how I feel too! I mean, yes, there are always exceptions. But bad things can happen ANYwhere – it’s not an excuse to stay home in my opinion!
Great article! I was nervous my first solo trip, but I had a wonderful time. There’s nothing like knowing you can handle all the bumps in the road travel brings by yourself.
I liked that you added that strangers can be helpful. Being a solo woman can make you look like a target, but it can also make people feel the need to help you out. One tour bus driver drove half a mile out of his way so he could drop me off at my hotel and make sure I got there safely. I haven’t had experiences like that when traveling with my boyfriend.
Yes, I’ve definitely had experiences like that, too, Jenn! With bus drivers, tour guides, and fellow travelers going out of their way to help me and make sure I get where I’m going safely. I think you’re more likely to be “adopted” and looked after as a solo female traveler.
Great points. I, too, have traveled overseas for portions of trips with friends and have always enjoyed myself. I took a trip to Arizona last December to visit the Grand Canyon and Sedona and did some short hikes by myself. I checked on safe hikes with locals and the tourist office, but on my last day there, I had a really frightening experience. I found myself in secluded woods by a creek and just as I thought it was too secluded, I realized I was being followed by a guy. All my gut reactions said he was dangerous, but luckily, a family of 3 stepped out of the woods and I believe they saved me. Just as they did, he signalled with an odd tarzan/animal call, and 3 other guys came out of hiding. I got out of there as fast as I could, but it left me very shook up. I don’t know if I can ever feel totally safe hiking alone again, and I’ve been left wondering if I would consider carrying protection (ie gun) if I do get the courage to go again. I hate to even think that way, but I also never want to feel that vulnerable again either. : /
Sorry that you had that experience! But it definitely goes to show that things like that can happen anywhere. If you DO go hiking alone again, I don’t think I would advise you to take a gun (we have way too much gun violence in the US as it is). I would just tell you to go on a trail that lots of other people are hiking so that you are around other people.
I did a similar hike, went on a cross-country road trip from NYC to Arizona. I am so sorry to hear that you may have been in danger, but utterly relieved that in the end you were safe. I am an avid hiker and National Park lover and it is a commitment, but well worth it. I have not one, but 2 rescue dogs that I hike with whenever I am in uncharted territory, alone. The amount of safety you feel is amazing. Plus my pets would guard me with their lives if necessary and it really does detour strange men. Dogs also sense when you are friendly towards others, so it’s not like you have to be anti-social if traveling with them. Have you ever considered hiking with a dog?
I actually think women are less likely to run into trouble overseas, simply because we don’t put ourselves in compromising situations like walking around by ourselves after dark, compared to many of the guys I’ve met who have this macho ‘she’ll be right’ attitude and don’t look out for their safety. Perhaps it’s this fear that we are more vulnerable that incourages us to make better decisions. If we are a target it’s usually for money anyway and staying safe while travelling applys to men and women equally. In regions where it’s disrespectful for women to bear shoulders and the like, the same goes for men in singlets too. I agree with you on trusting your instincts, develop a healthy sense of skepticism and you’ll be fine – a valuble life skill anywhere.
I think you’re probably right. Also, I’ve run into more instances where people were looking out for me, wanting to help me, than instances where I felt worried about my safety.
Thank you for this post, as someone who’s embark on a solo cycling trip around the world, this was very good to read. I’m not very nervous, I want to believe in peoples good intention instead of the opposite, but my family is worried for me instead, so I’ll send this post to them. Also I just wanted to say that I think you are so badass and a great role model for women all around the world, and you have played a big part in me daring to take this decision. So thank you very much 🙂
Aw, thanks for the kind words, Cecilia! So glad to hear that you’re about to embark on such an epic adventure! I hope you love it!
It’s so true that most of the dangers that women face have just as much a chance of happening at home as they do abroad, and that doing your research and knowing what risks you might face help you out, no matter where you are. I’ve had my thoughts on how women who travel alone are treated sitting in an unpublished post for months, trying to figure out how to put them into words – the Daily Mail article and the resulting posts on it helped me finally put those feelings into words, so thank you for this one!
Yes, for some reason a lot of people assume that a woman traveling alone is somehow in more danger. But the fact is, she’s probably in less danger than she is at home (since *most* violence against women is carried out by someone the woman knows).
Well said! Even travelling with other people, some people seem to have odd views about what the world is! Most people just want to live their lives and be good people, not usually anything to worry about as long as you are a bit savvy!
That’s definitely what I’ve found while traveling! Sure, you’ll find “bad” people everywhere. But you’ll also find good people – great ones, even. And, in my experience, you meet the good ones more often than the bad ones!
It wasn’t until long after I started traveling solo that I even realised there was this kind of fear about it. It’s odd to me. Whatever will be will be – better to take a chance than sit at home wondering “what if!”
I totally agree, Michelle! I’ve always been nervous before trips – but it’s always been about things like figuring out public transport and exchanging money and all those little details that go along with traveling abroad. I’ve never been afraid of traveling for safety reasons. But plenty of people are!