Drive the Badlands Loop Road, with scenic overlooks to stop at along the way. Make sure to stop at the prairie dog towns when driving through the park and you can see prairie dogs.

We headed over to the short hike Window Trail, which leads you up a small hill to a “window” in the rock that gives you a view out over the Badlands. I would highly recommend it as a fun and easy hike. 

Short Hikes

The Door Trail starts as a boardwalk and then places you amongst unique hills. This is a short hike where you can wander and pose with the unique rock formations.

I loved the the Big Badlands Overlook and the Yellow Mounds Overlook where you can see the beautiful and unique layers and colors in the rocks.

Stop at Ben Reifel Visitor Center. The visitor center in this northern part of the park is definitely worth a visit. See fossils and learn the rich history of Native Americans.


You can encounter wildlife including bison, bighorn sheep, and black-footed ferrets. Remember to enjoy yourself but not to approach or feed wildlife.

Badlands National Park offers amazing stargazing events called Night Sky Viewings. Every night in the spring, summer, and fall you can take in the night sky and stars.

Consider staying at the Ceder Pass Lodge or the Sage Creek Campground. Make sure to bring plenty of water and plan to spend enough time to enjoy your visit.