Volunteering at Elephant Nature Park: What’s It Like?

This post was written after a volunteering trip made in February 2014, but information on volunteering is kept as up-to-date as possible!
You may not know this, but I planned my entire Southeast Asia trip around doing one thing: volunteering at an elephant sanctuary.
Ever since I first heard of Elephant Nature Park — a sanctuary for injured and abused elephants in northern Thailand — a few years ago, I put “volunteering with elephants” high up on my bucket list. I knew about the plight of the Asian elephant, and I also knew what Elephant Nature Park was doing to try to combat it. Of all the elephant parks in Thailand I could have gone to, THIS was the only one I felt confident about — I knew my time and money would do good here.
And so, when I decided to go to Asia earlier this year, spending time at ENP was the focus of my entire trip.
Elephant Nature Park offers a variety of options to visit and spend time at the park, including a volunteer program where people can spend anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks living and working with the elephants.
RELATED: Get to Know Elephant Nature Park
I applied in November for a 1-week volunteer stint in February (spots can fill up quickly, especially during high season!), and heard back within about a day that I had been accepted. I then paid a deposit, and began planning the rest of my Asia trip around that one week.
One thing I have found is that, though there's a TON of information on the internet about Elephant Nature Park and the great things it does, there isn't a whole lot of detailed information about the volunteer program itself.
So that's where I come in! Below are some questions I personally had about the program (and some that others have since emailed to me), and my answers to them after being an ENP volunteer myself.
Volunteering at Elephant Nature Park FAQ
What will you do at ENP?
The biggest question, of course, is what do you DO as a volunteer at an elephant sanctuary?
The number of volunteers at ENP each week can range anywhere from about 40 to 80 people. After you arrive at the park and get settled in, you'll be placed into one of 4 lettered groups (A, B, C, D). This group will be your work group for the duration of the week.
There are a variety of chores and tasks to be completed at the park each day, and a whiteboard at the “Meeting Point” is updated each morning with information on what each group will be doing when.
There are two “work” periods during the day: one immediately following breakfast, and one after lunch. The morning work period begins between 8 and 8:30 a.m. (breakfast is served promptly at 7 a.m. each morning), and the afternoon work session usually starts around 1 p.m., after lunch. You usually will work for 1-2 hours during each work period.
Work period jobs include things like:
- Scooping elephant poo (morning job) — Armed with pitchforks and wheelbarrows, your group has to clean up the overnight mess in all the elephant sleeping enclosures.
- Banana tree cutting (morning job) — You'll be put into the back of a utility truck and driven about 45 minutes away to cut down banana trees and load them into a truck.
- Preparing elephant food (morning or afternoon job) — Basically cutting fruits/vegetables in the “elephant kitchen” and sometimes delivering food to the mahouts or elephants.
- Banana tree cutting (afternoon job) — The afternoon version of this job entails chopping the trees a group cut down in the morning into bite-sized pieces, and peeling the bark off them.
- Garden pole building (afternoon job) — You gather stones from the river, mix cement, and work on stone “fences” to protect trees and other areas that the park doesn't want the elephants to get too close to.
- Bamboo washing (afternoon job) — Rinsing off bamboo in the river.
- Grass/corn cutting (all-day job) — Every group will get assigned this task once, and it's definitely the most dreaded assignment among volunteers. You are loaded into a utility truck, driven about 40-60 minutes away from the park, and deposited in a field of grass or corn that needs to be cut down with machetes. You spend the next few hours cutting and baling grass or corn stalks. You then have lunch in the field, and then load the truck back up with everything you've baled. The good news? On the day you have this job, you get the afternoon off. The bad news? You aren't done until the truck is full, so these jobs take a while and are an exception to the “working for 1-2 hours at once” rule.
- Random jobs (anytime) — You may also have to do things like unload trucks of donated food, or load bales of hay to deliver to elephants across the river. Your volunteer coordinators will stress that any work assignment can change at any time based on what needs to be done the most.
One work period during your weeklong stay will be an “Ele Walk,” where the volunteer coordinators will walk you around the whole park and tell you stories about the elephants. This is always a favorite!
And around 4 p.m. each afternoon is bath time for many of the elephants. All the volunteers take part in this on Orientation Day, and then you have the option of participating the rest of the time you're at the park.
(NOTE: As ENP has evolved, they've taken a more hands-off approach to caring for the elephants, in order to make sure the animals aren't getting overwhelmed by too much human attention. Bathing the elephants may not be an activity you can participate in anymore.)
What can you do for fun?
Even though you spend a good portion of the day working at Elephant Nature Park, you'll find that you have plenty of downtime, too.
In the afternoon (especially if you have the work period off after grass/corn cutting), you can talk to the volunteer coordinators about going tubing down the river that runs through the park. They will load you into a truck with a bunch of inner tubes, drive you a few kilometers up the road, and then deposit you in the river. You then float back to the park — it's a lot of fun!
You can also hang out at the viewing platform or skywalk to watch the elephants or simply curl up with a good book (I did this almost every afternoon).
Another free-time option is to go help out at ENP's dog sanctuary. In 2011, when Bangkok and Chiang Mai were subjected to severe flooding, Lek and her team rescued about 400 dogs that owners had abandoned as they fled their homes.
There is a dog volunteer program at ENP, too, but there are never enough dog volunteers, so they will always welcome extra hands to walk the pups or just give them some attention.
In the evenings, the ENP staff will often coordinate an activity — for example, we had a blessing ceremony on our first night, an “elephant gossip session” with resident elephant expert Jodi, a Q&A session with ENP founder Lek, a Thai culture lesson, and a special farewell dinner with traditional music and dancing on our last night at the park.
Later in the evening (like, after dinner), a lot of the volunteers in my group would wander up to a little convenience store in the local village to buy beers and snacks. We would sometimes stay there and turn the shop into a “pub,” and other times would go back to ENP to hang out on the viewing platform.
Just keep in mind that “quiet time” kicks in at 10 p.m., and this really isn't the place to get your party on.
There are also massages offered by women from the local village on the top floor of the platform for really great prices. These are also a popular evening activity!
Note: Elephant rides are NOT offered at Elephant Nature Park — elephants are not actually built for riding, and it's actually kind of cruel.
RELATED: Please Don't Ride the Elephants
How much do you interact with the elephants?
This is first and foremost a volunteer opportunity where you spend a lot of time doing tasks to *help* the elephants. But that doesn't mean that you don't get to interact with the animals on a daily basis.
You may have the opportunity to help bathe and feed the elephants each day, and of course you can watch them in their daily interactions.
At least once during your stay you'll also get to go on a “Ele Walk,” where you'll see many of the elephants up close and get to know their stories.
There's NO elephant riding at ENP, and you also won't spend a ton of time touching or walking around with the elephants. The elephants at ENP have been allowed to form their own family groups and routines, and the goal of the volunteer program (and, really, everything that goes on at the park) is to make it as easy as possible for the elephants to live as “normal” a life as possible.
This means that you won't be interacting with them 1-on-1 very often, since that would not happen if they were living in the wild.
What is the accommodation like at Elephant Nature Park?
Accommodations are provided in cabins, with usually 2-3 volunteers per cabin. You get a twin-sized bed with blankets and a mosquito net, and each room has a dedicated toilet and shower usually right across a hallway.
I was actually pleasantly surprised by the cabins — they were rustic, sure, but they were more comfortable than I had been expecting.
The showers are kind of hit-or-miss when it comes to hot water, but a mention of water running cold to the volunteer coordinators usually had the problem fixed within a few hours.
If you're traveling with someone (be it a friend or significant other), you can get a cabin together. If you're traveling solo, you'll be assigned to a room with either one or two other volunteers of the same gender as you.
There aren't safes in the rooms, so if you're traveling with any valuables it might be a good idea to invest in something that will help keep your things safe. I recommend this portable safe by Pacsafe, which you can secure to anything that's bolted down.
What are meals like at ENP?
Elephant Nature Park serves 3 meals a day: breakfast a 7 a.m., lunch at 11:30 a.m., and dinner at 6 p.m.
All the food at ENP is vegetarian. Don't let this worry you if you're not vegetarian, however. Each meal includes SO MANY different options that there is never any worry of going hungry. Even if you don't love tofu, there are always noodles, veggies, rice, and even french fries to fill your belly with.
Water, tea, and coffee are all provided, and you can buy soft drinks for 20 baht (about 60 cents USD). There is sometimes also a little snack stand open near the skywalk where you can buy snacks (like chips and chocolate).
What should you pack for Elephant Nature Park?
Everyone will be different, of course, but here are a few things I would highly recommend bringing with you:
- Clothes you don't care about — Some of the jobs can get you quite dirty; don't bring your nicest duds to work in. Most volunteers wear shorts and tank tops/t-shirts, though keep conservative Thai customs in mind when you're packing (i.e. no booty shorts or tube tops, please!). I actually bought some cheap shorts and t-shirts at a market before my week at ENP, and then donated them to the park afterwards (they take a lot of the donated clothes to nearby hill tribe villages).
- Long pants and long sleeves — It can get CHILLY here up in the mountains in the evenings. You'll also want to have a long layer for grass/corn cutting day to protect your arms and legs from itchy cuts and scratches.
- Closed-toe shoes — You won't want to be wearing flip-flops for some of the chores. Instead of trainers, I decided to get a pair of Keen Whisper sandals. They have a closed toe, but still let my feet breathe!
- Sunscreen/a hat — You will definitely need it!
- Insect repellant — You will also definitely need this! Get the DEET-heavy stuff (you know, the stuff that's illegal in many countries). During the day you will get bitten by flies, and at night the mosquitoes will come out to feast on you.
- A torch/headlamp — After dark you'll want a light of some sort to help you get around (like, from the platform to your cabin or vice versa), and a headlamp is always a great bet.
- Earplugs — Elephants can be noisy. And so can the 400+ rescued dogs who call ENP home. If one of them starts barking at midnight, ALL of them start barking at midnight. So be sure to pack some good earplugs.
- A towel — You can rent one from the park (usually just old ones that previous volunteers have donated/left behind), but it's easier if you can bring your own. I recommend a quick-drying microfiber towel!
- A sleep sheet — If you want an extra layer of warmth (or just an extra layer between you and the sheets if you're that type of person), I always travel in Asia with a silk sleep sheet. The silk is light and easy to pack, too, which is an added bonus.
The park provides laundry service (60 baht per kilo), so don't worry about bringing multiple outfits for each day. You'll also be given a reusable water bottle and over-the-shoulder sling bag to keep it in on Orientation Day, which is very handy to take around with you while you're working.
Is there wifi at ENP?
Yes and no. Technically there IS wifi at the park, but it is down more often than it is working. We had no wifi the entire week I was there. The staff was nice enough to set up a wired laptop in the evenings, though, for anyone who needed to send a message home.
If you want to be able to keep in touch with people back home while you're at Elephant Nature Park, you'll need an unlocked smartphone. Then you can buy a DTAC Happy SIM card. This is the ONLY SIM CARD THAT WORKS well in this part of Thailand, however. So don't get a SIM from AIS or any other Thai carrier, because chances are you will have no signal.
I had a DTAC card (I think I paid around $20 USD for the SIM and 6 GB of data), and had strong signal at all times at ENP.
How much does volunteering at Elephant Nature Park cost?
The volunteer program at Elephant Nature Park provides an important revenue stream for the park. So, yes, it's a pay-to-play type of experience. All of your money goes to running the park and it's projects, however, so you know it's going to a good cause.
One week of volunteering costs 12,000 baht (about $365 USD in 2018). This includes transport to/from the park (from Chiang Mai), your accommodation, and all your meals for the entire week. You'll also get a volunteer t-shirt on your first day.
Is this good for a solo traveler / couple / family?
After writing this post, I received quite a few emails from all sorts of different types of travelers asking if I thought this volunteer experience was right for them. And my answer is almost always YES.
I volunteered as a solo traveler – and I think the majority of volunteers are solo travelers, simply because Thailand is a really popular place for this type of travel. But there were couples, too, and small groups of friends. There were no families volunteering when I was there, but I think this could be a fantastic way for a family to bond and make some really cool memories.
If you're traveling solo, you'll be paired up with another volunteer or two in a cabin. If you're traveling as a couple or family, though, you will likely get your own room.
Am I too old / young to volunteer at ENP?
Nope, you're probably not. Children 12 and older are welcome at ENP with a parent/guardian, and there's no maximum age for volunteers. We had two men above 60 volunteering when I was there. As long as you're willing to pitch in with the work, ENP would be happy to have you.
What else should you know?
First of all, know that the volunteer program at ENP is extremely popular, especially during high season (Nov.-Feb.). If you want to volunteer at the park during this time, be sure to book well in advance! (Like, months or even a year in advance.)
You should also know that a volunteer week begins on Monday at 9 a.m. at the ENP office in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This is where you sign in, pay any balance you owe, and get your t-shirt. From there, you are taken by mini bus to Elephant Nature Park for your Orientation Day.
Your week ends at 3/3:30 p.m. Sunday, and the same mini buses will take you back to Chiang Mai and drop you off anywhere within the Old Town.
If you are volunteering for more than one week, you can either stay at the park on Sunday night, or book a hostel/hotel for the night in Chiang Mai if you want to go into the city for the night market or just to hang out with new friends.
Where should I stay in Chiang Mai?
Most volunteers arrive in Chiang Mai on the Sunday before their volunteer week starts. Some guesthouses close to the Elephant Nature Park office (meaning you won't have very far to walk to catch your ride to the park the next morning) include Somwang Boutique Hotel, Lost in Chiang Mai Guesthouse, and Yin Yang Guesthouse. All of these are very central and close to other noteworthy sites in Chiang Mai, too.
After my week of volunteering, I went back to Chiang Mai for four days and decided to splash out on a slightly fancier place. I stayed at The Twenty Lodge on the other side of the Old Town, and really liked that, too. (Read reviews | Book here)
Or, check out reviews for other hotels in Chiang Mai here.
Would I recommend volunteering at Elephant Nature Park?
YES. Yes, yes, yes a thousand times over. My week at Elephant Nature Park was one of the most memorable and rewarding travel experiences I've had thus far.
The people you will meet — the volunteers, the ENP staff — are incredible, the elephants are beautiful and worth getting to know, and the park's setting is beautiful and relaxing.
I'm happy to have been able to support such a great place, and I would definitely do it again.
How can you book?
You can apply to be an elephant volunteer online:
Read about being a weekly volunteer and book here.
Want to help but don't want to volunteer? Click here.
Read these other posts about Elephant Nature Park:
Do you have any other questions about volunteering at ENP?
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Amanda Williams is the award-winning blogger behind A Dangerous Business Travel Blog. She has traveled to more than 60 countries on 6 continents from her home base in Ohio, specializing in experiential and thoughtful travel through the US, Europe, and rest of the world. Amanda only shares tips based on her personal experiences and places she's actually traveled!
Hi All, i have a tourist visa for thailand and have paid for a week at ENP do I need a working visa for this?
Thank you
I don’t believe so, no. You’re not really working since you’re the one paying to volunteer. (I did not have a work visa to volunteer at ENP.)
Hi! I’m actually volunteering in 2 weeks! Super excited! The sandals you recommend d in your post- did you wear those the entire time or did you bring boots? I have water shoes, sneakers and short rain boots bc it’s rainy season. Just curious if you recommend anything else…although I have a lot. I plan on donating a lot. Also, could you pay for laundry as often as Needed? Thanks for the info!
I didn’t bring any boots with me as I wasn’t there during rainy season; I wore those sandals the whole time there! And yes, when I was there you could pay for laundry as much as you needed, and they charged by the kilo.
[…] about an increasingly popular way to help the world and its creatures while still getting away: dangerous-business.com/2014/05/volunteering-elephant-nature-park-whats-like/. (P.S. There’s a dog sanctuary at the site […]
Such a great article. I’ve been planning a visit for January for several months now and seeing this was such a fantastic way to get a sense of what to expect. I really appreciate the tips about what to bring as well. I’ve added a number of items to my pack list. For anyone who has recently completed the volunteer week, I’ve read that they are phasing out the bathing of elephants. Can anyone confirm that?
Thanks again Amanda!
[…] Volunteering at Elephant Nature Park: What’s It Like?, A Dangerous Business […]
When I was in Thailand I was able to visit ENP! I did not do my volunteer work there though, my project was teaching in a fishing village in the south. ENP was the last thing we did after our entire month in Thailand, and it was definitely a highlight!
It’s so interesting to read this post about what it’s like to actually volunteer there, as it was something I was wondering about while we visited. It was so eye opening to hear about the elephants and how they all had their own story of how they ended up in ENP. I wish I could have spent more time there, and this post definitely has me thinking about applying!
If you ever have the chance to volunteer there, I would definitely go for it! It was such a great experience.
Hi, I found your posting just in time for my trip to ENP next week! I was curious how strict they were on dress code? I want to be respectful, and know in the city/temples there are rules about pants/shoulders covered/etc. I don’t want to bring anything offensive, but I know it will be hot so I don’t want to bring all pants and be miserable if running shorts or something is allowed. Thanks for your time, I learned a lot from your post!!
Within the park itself, the dress code is pretty relaxed, especially when you’re actually working – I wore shorts and a t-shirt for most tasks (except for cutting grass, because it’s sharp and you want longer layers for that!). If you go into the village at all, I would maybe cover up a bit more. And when we went rafting down the river, I wore shorts and a t-shirt over my swimsuit.
awesome, thanks for the reply! and one more question- did you need cash during your stay? I know meals are included, but on the website it says to allocate a couple hundred baht per day and I wasn’t sure what for.
When I was there they had a small snack stand at ENP where you could purchase things like soda and chocolate bars for snacks, and you did need some cash for this.
Thank you so much for your response Amanda, it is really appreciated. I’ve continued to do my research and with the aid of that research and your wise words, I am now booking a weeks volunteering for later in the year. Really great job on your post and it makes me smile to think how many people may have read your post and been subsequently swayed in to donating their time and effort to ENP. Good stuff. 🙂
Hi Amanda,
I hope you are well.
I just wanted to say that I found your post really helpful and informative. Your post has almost cemented my decision on where to book. However, I’ve been researching ‘sanctuaries’ to volunteer at and have found it a real challenge to find somewhere that is actually working solely towards the conservation and wellbeing of the animals. A lot of places seem to be masquerading as sanctuaries but really have heavy tourism undertones and still have elephants trained to lay down for bathing etc.
Elephant Nature Park so far, seems to be one of those, unfortunately rare, places that are purely about the animal welfare – Would you agree?
It is also a lot cheaper than some of the other ‘sanctuaries’ which I find comforting as I know the bulk of the fees for the other places will be tourism company fees etc and not directly to the Sanctuary, which I am keen to avoid. (I.e. I want all money to go towards the animal welfare and upkeep)
Appreciate any thoughts or opinions.
Many thanks Amanda, Kindest regards, Ashleigh.
I would definitely agree, yes. Do a quick Google search about Lek Chailert, who started ENP, if you have any further doubts – she is the most selfless woman I’ve ever met and has completely dedicated her life to the elephants. There are still mahouts at ENP for every elephants, but the only things the animals are “taught” are how to let the vets give them treatments (For example, the elephants that have suffered land mine injuries to their feet are taught how to lift them up so the vets and clean and dress them every day.)
ENP is truly a place that puts the elephants first!
It looks a bit strange to pay for doing job (even though it’s volunteering), at least the price should be much less. Then another problem of too much demand would rise, but it is more just, I think
Well, remember that this place is taking care of elephants, which are pretty pricey to care for! They eat a LOT more than dogs and cats. 😉 Also, the price includes your accommodation and food for a week, so I actually think it’s pretty reasonable!
Thank you for the amazing post. I am going in a couple of weeks to celebrate my 50 th B Day ! It has been in my bucket list for many years.
I USUALLY DON’T LIKE TO TAKE MEDS SO I am debating on the Malaria pills apparently not an issue in the area. What are your thoughts?
Thanks keep being awesome
I’m not a doctor, so I can’t advise you on whether or not to take malaria pills. I personally didn’t, though.
Good idea Amanda, I’ll just ask when I get there then, thanks again…
Hi Amanda, great article you’ve written… I’m actually going there in coming April (almost there), but not participating in the 7 day elephant caring, instead, taking care of dogs (the elephant schedule was full on my dates, the dog rescue is perfect for me, I have dogs, myself). I’m aware that there is laundry service in the Park, and going there in April, the heat will be intense, how many sets of clothes (shorts/trousers and tops) did you bring along there? Regards
Hey Victor! You’ll have a great time volunteering with the dogs – and you’ll still have the chance to be around the elephants a bit, too! As for clothing… I was traveling around Asia for almost two months, so I did have slightly more clothing with me than I might for a shorter trip. I had 4 pairs of shorts (two I brought specifically for getting dirty at the park and donated them afterwards) and a handful of tops. And I had my laundry done once while I was there.
Thanks for answering, Amanda, a couple more questions, did you have to bring your own toiletries, like soap, shampoo and towel? Did you leave any backpack or luggage at the hostel and getting it back after the volunteering program? Lastly, as I’m going there in April, I guess it will scalding hot, did you see any topless male volunteers that you noticed? Sorry for the many questions ^^
No worries! Yes, I brought my own toiletries and a towel with me. And no, I didn’t leave any luggage in Chiang Mai, but I was traveling pretty light so there was no need to. And as far as shirtless males… I don’t really remember, sorry! Thailand is a more conservative country, but I think it probably applies more to women than men. I would just ask a volunteer coordinator if it would be okay to take your shirt off while working. (Though if you do, be sure to apply plenty of sunscreen!)
Hi! I’d like to know, do you actually spend time WITH the actual elephants? Like, can you go and be with them, one-on-one and whenever you feel like it? Or are you restricted to the activities only? Thanks so much!!!! Muah
You can’t really go and hang out with them on the ground whenever you want, simply because they have their routines and also because they don’t want anyone getting hurt! But you’ll still get lots of interaction every day. And during your free time you can hang out on the skywalk and different viewing platforms to watch them that way.
[…] Volunteering at Elephant Nature Park: What’s It Like? Amanda Williams planned her entire Southeast Asia trip around volunteering at an elephant sanctuary. […]