The Scariest Thing I Have Ever Done

While you might not exactly call me a “daredevil,” there's no denying that I do have a healthy appetite for adrenaline. There's a reason that I have been bungy jumping three times and why I have things like “swimming with sharks” on my bucket list. I like the rush. I like the challenge. And, I'll admit, you do automatically gain some cool points when you throw yourself off a bridge or out of a plane.
But just because I enjoy things like zip-lining and whitewater rafting doesn't mean that I'm totally immune to the fear that often goes along with these activities.
In fact, despite having done it twice before, I think it's safe to say that my third bungy jump was the scariest thing I have ever done.
It was back in May, during my Blog4NZ trip around New Zealand. I was in Queenstown, the little southern resort town where adrenaline junkies like me go to get their fix. I love Queenstown. For being as small as it is, it certainly packs a punch — and that punch includes a ton of crazy adventure sports, from jetboating to skydiving to bungy jumping.
I've bungy jumped before in Queenstown — off the 43-meter-high Kawarau Bridge, which is where modern bungy jumping was “invented” by A.J. Hackett back in the 1980s. I've also been bungy jumping in Taupo, where a 48-meter-high platform offers up the country's tallest water-touch.
But kiwis — especially the adventurous ones — are constantly looking for ways to up the ante; to outdo their own craziness.
A.J. Hackett, not content to have invented one of the world's more ridiculous sports and be operating in locations all over the world, dreamt up the Nevis Highwire Bungy.
The Nevis Bungy
The Nevis Bungy, located in the stunning Nevis Canyon, is the mother of all bungy jumps. With a 35-minute backcountry 4×4 ride necessary to just get to the jump site, this is not a jump for the faint of heart.
And did I mention the cable car required to get you out to the “jump pod?”
Or how about the fact that this jump is 134 meters high??
That's 440 feet. That's more than 40 stories. That's 3 times taller than the Statue of Liberty.
Terrifying, right?
I'm still not quite sure how I talked myself into doing it. But it probably had something to do with the fact that I had a free pass for both the Nevis Bungy and the Nevis Arc (a giant swing) as part of my Blog4NZ prize. Bungy jumping is NOT cheap, so to be able to do something like this for free was simply too good to pass up.
But that doesn't mean that I didn't have to psyche myself up for 2 days before even going to book my jump…
After that, there was no backing out. Was I nervous on the ride out to the canyon? You bet. Was I scared riding in the cable car out to the jump pod? Absolutely. And do I still get butterflies looking at my bungy photos or watching my jump video? Umm, hell yes.
But, once I was out in that pod and having my gear put on, I became strangely calm. This was just another challenge that I was going to overcome, and I knew I could do it.
And, even though I seriously thought I might die as I penguin-waddled my way to the edge of the jump platform, I jumped obediently on the count of 3.
Even though I've been bungy jumping before, nothing could have prepared me for the Nevis rush. Falling 134 meters is insane. You're going so fast that the breath is literally knocked out of you — I jumped screaming, but that scream was caught in my throat after about a second. Not to scare you, but I've heard of people actually blacking out on this jump because of the intense head-rush.
Oh, and did I mention that, unlike at other bungy sites where you are lowered head-first into a boat after your jump, at the Nevis you are reeled back up to the jump platform? Because you are. Which means, unless you want to be dangling upsidedown for 2 minutes, you have to release your feet from the bungy cord…
… That's right, you have to pull on a cord as you're dangling bottoms-up in a canyon that releases your feet so that you end up in a sitting position in your bungy harness.
Somehow, though, I survived. Actually, everyone who's conquered their fear at the Nevis has survived.
The Nevis Swing
So what did I do to celebrate? I went over to another platform, where I hung myself upsidedown in a giant swing harness 160 meters above the Nevis River and was launched in a 300-meter arc in the world's largest swing.
The Nevis Swing is unlike any other swing you've ever been on!
Fun? YES. It would have been even more fun if I'd had someone to swing with me. Then we could have gone tandem in a compromising position like “Honeymoon” or “69” (yeah, use your imagination on that one…).
So, bottom line, would I recommend these Nevis adventure sports to others? Absolutely. But be warned that it might be the scariest thing you will ever do.
And now for the videos! (Excuse the extremely low quality… I literally had to MacGyver these things in order to upload them. But you get the idea.)
Nevis Bungy:
Nevis Swing:
READ NEXT: Completing the Bungee Jumping Trifecta in Queenstown
So what do you think? Would you try the Nevis Bungy or Arc?
Disclaimer: I received a free pass for both the Nevis Bungy and Nevis Arc, care of A.J.Hackett, as part of my Blog4NZ prize package. But as always, all opinions are my own.
Amanda Williams is the award-winning blogger behind A Dangerous Business Travel Blog. She has traveled to more than 60 countries on 6 continents from her home base in Ohio, specializing in experiential and thoughtful travel through the US, Europe, and rest of the world. Amanda only shares tips based on her personal experiences and places she's actually traveled!
I was scared just looking at the photos! But, it does sound truly amazing and it’s definitely a check on my bucket list that I want.
Scary, but very rewarding once you face that fear and overcome it. I’m definitely glad I did it!
Jumping off stuff holds no appeal to me, especially with the price tag that comes with it. That saying, if I had the opportunity to do it for free, count me in! I love trying new things and while I would never say never ever, I do prefer to keep close to the ground:-).
Go you!!
The whole “free” part really does make it more appealing, doesn’t it? Lol. Though, I’ve gone bungy jumping before and paid full-price, so it’s not JUST a money issue for me. I may be a teeny tiny bit addicted to the adrenaline rush you get from stuff like this…
My heart was pounding just reading your description! I’m not especially afraid of heights, but I am especially afraid of dislocating something that ought to stay located…Glad for you, though.
Keep having fun!
You know, you would think bungy jumping would be really jarring. But it’s really not! However, I totally respect anyone’s decision not to throw themselves off really high things. 🙂
I just wrote a dutch blog about the Nevis. In a few months i’m off to New Zealand and it’s an once in a lifetime opportunity right? Maybe I just have to do it.
Definitely a once in a lifetime type of activity! If you can work up the courage and the funds to tackle the Nevis, DO IT!
That photo of you looking up at the camera is terrifying… and very cool 🙂
Imagine how terrifying it was to be standing there! Actually, though, thinking about it beforehand was worse.
Wow, you’re a braver girl than I am. These pictures and videos make me nervous just looking at them. My stomach was in knots watching the videos!
I think the most nerve-wracking part for me was the day leading up to the jump. I booked it 24 hours before I did it, and I think the anticipation was actually worse than the jump itself! Once I got out into the “jump pod,” I wasn’t so scared, because I knew I was going to do it.
Oh sweet Jesus I could never do something like that! You have all my admiration!
Lol, apparently I am crazier than I previously thought!
Was wondering if someone can get paid lot of money to jump off a good solid platform, because that the only way I’d jump… Or maybe a gun in my head will convince me to jump. Standing next to you, I will look like a big sissy…:)
Haha, aww. No, I wouldn’t call you a sissy. Probably just sane. 😉
And, honestly, I would have probably considered doing this eventually even if I hadn’t gotten the free passes. But, in this specific case, yup, the money was definitely a factor!
OK. I’ve done a lot of mountaineering and rock climbing, with obligatory falling, and I’m *not* afraid of heights.
That said, my hat is off to you – there is no way in the world I’d voluntarily do either of those activities. Free passes or not.
Haha, and you’re probably in the majority, Rob. Most people tell me I can’t be in my right mind for doing something like this. But, when in New Zealand…
Girl you are crazy!! I am so scared of heights, I could never bungee jump, not even if I got it for free 😉 The Nevis Bungee Jump is something for serious adrenaline junkies. Would you do it again?
This is definitely not for those who are afraid of heights!! It is also definitely one of the most crazy things I’ve ever done… so far, at least. Lol.
Would I do it again? If I was offered it again for free, probably! 😉
For such a height that was a graceful jump!! Looks terrifying.
Thanks! I guess that’s what 8 years of gymnastics training gets you — a pretty swan dive. Lol.
I got so many butterflies just looking at this! You’re much braver than me….don’t think I could convince myself to do that, especially alone!!
I STILL get butterflies looking at these photos, and watching my video. Sometimes I’m not quite sure how I did it. But I’m really glad I did.
Looks amazing- absolutely no way I talk myself into something like that. You’re braver than I.
Haha, well, believe me, I DID have to talk myself into this one!
Oh man. I give you super mad props for being able to do that. I’m pretty sure I was terrified just reading about it and then I got to the videos and they kind of blew my mind. I had considered bungy jumping before, mostly because one of my greatest fears is letting my life depend on a piece of rope, but I’ve been backing down from that idea for a few years now. The swing idea seems pretty cool though, so if I had to choose, I’d choose that one.
It was definitely scary, but really fun and rewarding at the same time. I felt like a total badass after this! Lol. But I realize bungy jumping definitely isn’t for everyone.
Seriously awesome. My first bungy jump was at Taupo and I loved it. One of my trip regrets is not doing the Nevis but it just wasn’t in my budget. While Taupo was incredible, this looks even better. Oh well, it just means I have to go back to NZ and do this.
Taupo (and the Kawarau for that matter) was a really fun bungy jump. Scary, but not terrifying. But the Nevis? I was scared for days before this one! Lol. But I think overcoming the fear here is the real reason why you do it. I’d definitely recommend it next time if you can squeeze it into your budget!