November 2019 Travel and Blogging Recap
After an extremely busy summer and autumn filled with travel, I finally had a whole month off in November! It was a much-needed break,...

October 2019 Travel and Blogging Recap
I can't believe it's already time for another monthly recap post! October absolutely FLEW by, and I'm having a hard time wrapping my head...
September 2019 Travel and Blogging Recap
September is always an interesting time to be traveling. It marks “back-to-school” season in many countries, and often is the beginning of the slow...
August 2019 Travel and Blogging Recap
Whew. Another month, and another massive trip to tell you about! 2019 sure has been travel-filled so far – and I'm not complaining! August...
July 2019 Travel and Blogging Recap
After being gone pretty much all of June, my July was slightly less crazy – but only slightly, as I still found myself away...
June 2019 Travel and Blogging Recap
After being mostly home for the last couple of months, June kicked off an extremely busy summer of travel for me. I was barely...
May 2019 Travel and Blogging Recap
Typical of Ohio, it seems we've zipped past spring and moved straight on to summer. But I can't really complain, since summer is always...
April 2019 Travel and Blogging Recap
After a busy February and March, April was a month for me to stay closer to home, get some work done, and enjoy the...
March 2019 Travel and Blogging Recap
March was a busy month – I spent more than 2/3 of it traveling! Busy months like this are exciting, but I always struggle...
February 2019 Travel and Blogging Recap
I fell off the blogging wagon a bit in February, guys. But it was for good reason! I was launching a new aspect of...
January 2019 Travel and Blogging Recap
People often say that how you start a year is an indication of how that year will go. Well, I began 2019 eating cactus fries...
December 2018 Travel and Blogging Recap
Well that's another year done and dusted! I swear, every year just seems to pass faster than the last. The month of December was...
Year in Review: My Top 10 Travel Highlights of 2018
As another year comes to a close, you know what that means: time for another year-in-review post! I always have fun putting together this...
November 2018 Travel and Blogging Recap
November has come and gone, and we're officially in holiday mode here in the US. I unashamedly love this time of year, and am...
October 2018 Travel and Blogging Recap
October is always going to be a pretty exciting month for me – both my birthday and wedding anniversary fall within the first 10...
September 2018 Travel and Blogging Recap
September is always a weird month of the year. Kids are going back to school, there are usually a few travel conferences happening, and...
August 2018 Travel and Blogging Recap
August can always be sort of a “meh” month when it comes to travel blogs; many of us see drops in traffic as summer...