July and August 2021 Travel and Blogging Recap
With Labor Day weekend now behind us, my brain is teetering on the edge of full-on Fall Mode. Despite it still being warm here...

May and June 2021 Travel and Blogging Recap
Can you believe that we're more than halfway through 2021 already? I swear, this year is flying by – which is kind of crazy,...
March and April 2021 Travel and Blogging Recap
I always look back at my most recent roundup before I write a new one, just to jog my memory about what I was...
January and February 2021 Travel and Blogging Recap
I don't know what things are like in your neck of the woods right now, but in mine I feel like things are finally...
November and December 2020 Travel and Blogging Recap
We did it! We made it through the end of 2020. Congratulations. And while I wouldn't exactly say that 2021 has gotten off to...
Year in Review: The Highlights of 2020 (Yes, There Were Some!)
What. A. Year. It's usually at this time every year that I write a post summing up my travels and top travel memories from...
September and October 2020 Travel and Blogging Recap
The month that many Americans have been awaiting all year has finally arrived; November 3 is Election Day, and I don't think there's ever...
July and August 2020 Travel and Blogging Recap
Even though I'm pretty sure 2020 is going to go down in history as The Longest Year That Ever Was, it's somehow already September!...
What It’s Really Been Like to Run a Travel Blog During a Global Pandemic
We're more than halfway through 2020 – and what a crazy year it's been. What began as a year in which I was poised...
May and June 2020 Travel and Blogging Recap
You might have noticed that I skipped publishing a monthly recap post in June. This was mostly intentional; there was too much going on...
April 2020 Travel and Blogging Recap
I know, I know. I should probably take the “travel” part out of these recaps for now while we're all sheltering at home. But,...
A Decade in Review: 10 Years of Traveling and Blogging
Can you believe it? I've officially been running A Dangerous Business for TEN YEARS as of mid-February, 2020. That's nearly 1/3 of my life,...
The Longest Month of My Life: March 2020 Travel and Blogging Recap
What a difference a month makes. Does anyone else feel like they've aged about 10 years in the last four weeks? March was bad,...
February 2020 Travel and Blogging Recap
February. What a month! Even though February is the shortest month of the year, it certainly felt like a pretty long one (and no,...
January 2020 Travel and Blogging Recap
It's a whole new year, people! I rang in 2020 at home with Elliot and Weasley (that would be my husband and my cat,...
December 2019 Travel and Blogging Recap
We're already a week into a new year, but there's still one more month from 2019 to wrap up! December is usually a slower...
Year in Review: My Top 10 Travel Highlights of 2019
It's that time of year again: time for my annual year in review post! I love putting this post together each year, as it...