Year in Review: My Top Travel Highlights and Worst Travel Mishaps of 2024
It's that time again: time to look back on the year and write my annual year in review post! This post is always fun...

Travel and Blogging Recap: Q1 2024
Hello friends! Since I fell so behind on these recaps at the end of last year, I've decided to just do them quarterly going...
September-December 2023 Travel and Blogging Recap
I started publishing these recaps monthly back in the BC times (Before COVID), when I was traveling almost every month. I switched to posting...
Year in Review: My Top 10 Travel Highlights of 2023
Like it or not, it's that time of year again: time to look back at the year and write my annual year in review...
July and August 2023 Travel and Blogging Recap
I'm a little late with this update once again, and this time I don't even have a good excuse for it! Yes, I've been...
May and June 2023 Travel and Blogging Recap
I'm a bit late in posting this recap, but I have a good excuse: it's because I've been so busy traveling (and then recovering...
March and April 2023 Travel and Blogging Recap
It felt like I had ages in between my last international trip in March and my next one in May – and yet here...
January and February 2023 Travel and Blogging Recap
Happy 2023, everyone! It's already halfway through March somehow, and the year is already feeling more “normal” than any year since 2019 has. (Granted,...
November and December 2022 Travel and Blogging Recap
Hello from 2023! I can't believe 2022 is already over; it sure did seem to zip by pretty quickly, didn't it? If you want...
Year in Review: My Top 10 Travel Highlights of 2022
I feel like I say it every year, but every year it feels more and more true: the last year has flown by! While...
September and October 2022 Travel and Blogging Recap
It's November, and that means it's time to look back at the last two months! (How crazy that there are less than two months...
July and August 2022 Travel and Blogging Recap
I'm a month behind on publishing this post… whoops! I guess that's what happens when you start traveling regularly again after 2 years at...
May and June 2022 Travel and Blogging Recap
Have two months really passed since I published the last one of these? I guess it's time for another update then! After more than...
March and April 2022 Travel and Blogging Recap
Whew, what a couple of months it's been! I just got back from a week in Tennessee, and I honestly feel like I just...
January and February 2022 Travel and Blogging Recap
Hello friends! I know it's been a while since I've published one of these updates for you. And I don't really have a great...
Year in Review: My Top Travel (and Non-Travel) Highlights of 2021
I won't lie to you: 2021 included a lot less travel than I had hoped it would after feeling so optimistic early on in...
September and October 2021 Travel and Blogging Recap
In my last update, I honestly was dreading what fall would bring. I was unmotivated to write, and on the verge of having to...