Postcards from New Zealand

Postcards from New Zealand

It's been nearly a year since my last trip to the Land of the Long White Cloud. And yet there's not a day that...
Fire and Ice in Iceland

Fire and Ice in Iceland

After my unexpected near-death experience on a snow-covered Icelandic mountain, I really didn't know what to expect from the second half of the “Essential...
The Time I Almost Died in Iceland

The Time I Almost Died in Iceland

It's no secret that writers often exaggerate events in order to make them seem more interesting or exciting. You know, like writing about “a...
The Horses of Iceland

The Horses of Iceland

I've always had a bit of a soft spot for horses. There's just something about these gentle giants that melts my heart — their...
Rotorua: Smelly, But Awesome

Rotorua: Smelly, But Awesome

When you ask people the one word that comes to mind when they think of Rotorua, New Zealand, chances are that word will be...
My Night in Prison

My Night in Prison

I woke with a start, not entirely sure what had jolted me into consciousness in the middle of the night. Was it a muffled...