Getting a Feel for Florence

Getting a Feel for Florence

The Ponte Vecchio is the only bridge in Florence that survived WWII. But it wasn't by accident or out of sheer luck that this...
RTW Diaries: Month Three

RTW Diaries: Month Three

That's right, another month of travel already wrapped up and tucked away in my memory. People often tell you that time goes by faster...
Behind the Scenes at the Colosseum

Behind the Scenes at the Colosseum

In order to celebrate the completion of the Colosseum in the year 80 AD, the Romans celebrated with 100 days of “spectacles.” These weren't...
The Sights of Salzburg

The Sights of Salzburg

As far as Austrian destinations go, there's always been just one city at the top of my list: Salzburg. Yes, I know Austria is...
RTW Diaries: Month Two

RTW Diaries: Month Two

Another month, another travel round-up for you! Since you seemed to enjoy my RTW Month One summary so much, I figured I should continue the...
The Berlin Wall: Then and Now

The Berlin Wall: Then and Now

It doesn't matter which country you come from or how old you are. Chances are that you are at least aware that something called...
5 Reasons Solo Travel Sucks

5 Reasons Solo Travel Sucks

Okay, so I know that I occasionally publish posts on my blog about how awesome it is to travel solo. And it's true that...
Berlin: Much More Than Its Past

Berlin: Much More Than Its Past

I've begun this post about four different times now. And each time I've deleted everything, leaving me to just stare at the blinking cursor...
RTW Diaries: Month One

RTW Diaries: Month One

Holy crap, I've been traveling for a whole month already! There were times when it felt like it was going by very slowly. But...